1:1 Executive Coaching
Diverse Leader Coaching
360 Assessment & Briefings
New Leader Assimilation Process
"Courage starts with showing up
and letting ourselves be seen."
-Brené Brown, Daring Greatly
Dr. Pat has coached leaders, both emerging and established, to aspire to greater levels of self-awareness, crystallize their purpose as a leader, and use their drive to fulfill the goals of their organizations, clients, and teams. An influential thought leader with a global view, Dr. Pat uses her extensive experience in support of leaders facing high-impact culture change while staying focused on retaining valuable talent.
She assures the coaching engagement is one in which all stakeholders - the leader being coached, their direct manager and those in the leader’s ‘circle of influence’- have a mutual value-added experience that yields a clear ‘roadmap’ toward a meaningful and organizationally relevant result.
Having been there herself, she knows how difficult receiving feedback can be, learning your “self-portrait” as a leader is far from accurate. With care and respect, she delivers 360 feedbacks with the understanding.

How would you feel creating personal and professional career growth by using emotions in a healthy way?
Work with Dr. Pat
Assessing & Coaching
New Leadership Talent
In each member, develop the ability to work with others toward a shared goal, enable full participation, and sharing responsibility and the rewards of a cohesive and capable team.
Emotional Intelligence (EI) Trainings for Teams
Who’s holding you back? It’s possible it’s no one but YOU.
Dr. Pat has learned through her own experience as a woman who forged a career in technology and financial services on Wall Street that getting noticed for your talent and smarts means expressing your interest and being seen.
Coaching Women for Higher-level, Broader Scope Roles
Self-awareness is where your success starts and ends.
Personalized leadership coaching based on:
Measurable Data
Business Insights
Well-being Management
Working with Dr. Pat, you will strategize around your career goals and opportunities AND develop feasible action plans. There are several specific areas of action you will focus on:
You’ll identify how to position yourself for success by strategically doing what gets noticed, and learning how and who to influence
Clearly communicating your vision so others who can help you can easily repeat it and find opportunities for you.
Gaining visibility and leveraging your valuable experience and knowledge
Advocating for yourself by informing those who can sponsor you to leadership about how what you are doing brings value to the company.
Focusing on strategic and longer-term goals by engaging in dialogues in and beyond your expertise.
Showing courage by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and taking on roles and responsibilities through which you can grow and learn.